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An important tool for businesses looking to protect themselves against payment risk of their debtors.  This type of insurance can help to mitigate the potential impacts of bad debt and insolvency, allowing businesses to expand and grow with confidence.

"All companies are completely unique, so why should they all be sold an identical credit insurance product with the exact same terms and conditions year on year" - Celeste Nel (Executive Head)


SPECIALISED CREDIT is a registered financial services provider and can implement and administer policies with credit insurers. As a result of our extensive facilities, we offer a combination of the following products:


Traditional Credit Insurance Policies



Selective Debtors - Debtor protection provided on a defined list of debtors

Whole Book Cover - Debtor protection provided on entire debtors book

Single Debtor - Debtor protection provided on a single debtor or transaction

Excess of loss - Cover provided on loss amounts in excess of current credit insurance policy

Specialist Policies​


Industry Focused Products

Launching Soon

Insurance Panel

Backed by decades of experience in both the insurance and debt structuring markets, SPECIALISED CREDIT  provides credit risk advisory services to its clients and seeks to achieve the following value added benefits:

  • Credit Vetting and limit recommendations (insured and non insured debtors)

  • Risk advisory and structuring to assist companies to effectively trade with debtors who cannot obtain any form of traditional credit coverage.

  • Risk structuring with alternate insurers to allow for enhanced coverage on certain debtors that have been provided with lower than required limits.  

  • Advice around optimising a companies working capital cycle. 


Working with a panel of the best legal experts in the country, SPECIALISED CREDIT provides a range of recovery services

  • Pre legal debt recovery - No success, no fee basis

  • Full Legal recovery - work with panel of best attorneys at preferential rates to ensure maximum recovery

SPECIALISED CREDIT has facilities with the top credit reporting bureaus in the country and therefore provides our customers with the most up to date information on their insured and uninsured clients at the most efficient costing. In addition to the provision of information, SPECIALISED CREDIT provides advice and recommendations on the information outputted to ensure trading limits and risk levels are optimised. 


  • Reporting

    • We provide, amongst others, the following key reports:




  • Commercial Monitoring on all debtors

    • Service can be provided monthly to our clients and utilises 35 different triggers to assess changes in the credit risk of your whole book.

  • XDS Standard Online

  • XDS Detailed Online

  • Transunion (on File)

  • Various LOD Reports

  • Expert Comprehensive Research report

  • Full book risk review

    • A credit risk review, rating and trading recommendation on all debtors.​

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Specialised Credit Solutions (Pty) Ltd

An authorised Financial Services Provider FSP 52332

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